Thursday, June 17, 2010

Toasty Pin Club

Wanna know one of the freakin' cutest things I've seen this week?
Yes. I know what you're thinking. They're TOAST!
What a genius idea that my sister, themagicalbean, came up with.
If you want to see them & purchase them (eh? eh? eh?) on her etsy shop click here.
I already bought two of them!!
Tell me what you think of their toasty awesomeness.


  1. EEEKKK!!! I want one too :).

    Btw, love the model in the last photo ;)...

  2. Those little pins look so cute. I want one now... but I have no money. I'm a spender but I want to be a saver.

    Anyways, here is an award for you!

  3. These are incredibly cute, if only I wasn't ridiculously poor this week. Love the models freckles, is that you?


Go ahead, leave a comment! I love 'em!


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